Sunday, March 05, 2006

it is sad that we both really like each other (i'm almost positive you like me back) but are too afraid to do anything about it. i wish i wasn't such a wuss so i could tell you, but instead i just sit around and wait.

10:35:05 PM


Anonymous said...

We may not be talking about the same person, but let's both, at 11:30 tonight, ask our resepective someones, okay?
Geez, more conversations should be like this.

Anonymous said...

ahh nevermind. I can't do it. Call me a coward, but I can't bring myself to ask.

Anonymous said...

heck, i couldn't have done it either.

Anonymous said...

haha so much for that

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon guys... just do it. For everybody's sake.. especially your sanity.

PChis said...

If you're sure, why the hell not.

Alright guys, you can't just set deadlines so close as 11:30 of the same day, so here's the plan.

I give you until 10:00 friday night to tell your respective people. This should give you ample time to plan out how and when you want to say it.

Don't cop out on me, you know you want to do this.

Anonymous said...

you're right, i really want to do it, but it's not that simple. he's a bit, uh... skittish, shall we say, and it's taken a lot of work for us to get to where we are. i'm afraid if i tell him he won't even be my friend anymore. it's more important to me for us to be friends than for him to know. and i'm not sure anyway. augh why are boys so complicated!?!?!

PChis said...

4 days 30 minutes left...

Anonymous said...

"augh why are boys so complicated!?!?!"

I'm quite positive it's the penis. It tells us to be emotionally distant and awkward when no one else is listening.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, if a girl told me that she liked me, I'd dig that. I think most single, desparate guys probaby would.

Anonymous said...

I'm out, guys. I looked back at the situation again and realized that it wasn't what I thought it was at first glance. My comment was impulsive. Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up, but I'm chickening out of this.

Anonymous said...

yeah i'm not doing it either.