Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I have never been asked out in person. I think technology has made it too easy for people to be cowards.

07:36:01 PM


Anonymous said...

OMG I KNOW! And then if you're in a fight with someone it totally escalates on the computer.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone who asks someone out using any electronic messaging service should be rejected out of hand.

Anonymous said...

well, phones should be sometimes acceptable, but yes definitely no instant messanger...and if anyone has used email or text messaging...well..I don't know what to say.

Anonymous said...

The worst is when they break up with you via IM or email.

But I agree-
When I'm at my computer I don't want a boy to ask me out. Personal things such as those should be done in person

Anonymous said...

in all fairness, i asked a someone out over aim once when i didn't really want to ask them out... so i guess it made it less personal? idn

Anonymous said...

why'd you ask them out at all then?

Anonymous said...

In every relationship I've ever been in the other person has broken up with me and they've done it over the phone. Now I have a strict face-to-face policy for all major relationship proceedings. Anything else is wimpy and shameful.

Anonymous said...

I so agree, OP. I so agree

Anonymous said...

My last relationship was license-less, so an in-person breakup was impossible. I called him, left a voicemail telling him that we needed to talk, and he never called back. Two days later, with options exhausted, I broke up with him over AIM. Really, I didn't want to, but he made the decision, not me.

I then found out that he "hadn't liked me" for over a month, and my estimation of his level of maturity fell in a landslide.
But that's another story for another day.