Dear RoadRunner,
I want the freedom to download all the movies i want. i want the freedom to browse as many web sites as I can. I want to talk to my friends as much as I want on aim.
i want all of this At one time1!!
speed me up yo.
Too Damn Slow in NC
03:16:59 PM
Haha, good luck? I like these kind of letters.
Same here, except that I'm not allowed to have AIM at all. -_- But good luck!
So get Gmail!
Free g-chat w/ all your gmail friends!
er. yes. but it is a good service, anyway.
I still have dial up. I could probably peddle faster.
Stupid Google doesn't have GoogleChat set up so that people on Apples can use it or GoogleTalk for that matter either. I have always been a PC person and I just got a mac. Why google why???
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