Friday, December 09, 2005

Okay, here's my rant, which is fair because of its nature.

The people who post comments on other people's threads, on the main site, etc, saying stuff like "Um, there are people posting things not secrets" need to get a grip.

This is, for most purposes, a public forum, only where everyone is anonymous. Nothing more, nothing less. If I've never said "I like the color red" to anyone, why, then that's my secret and I can post it in the spirit of the site. If I have said it, you won't know! Because it's anonymous!

It seems to me like people resort to that argument when they're reading something that's uninteresting to them, that they're bored with, or that makes them upset. Fine, great, whatever. But don't accuse people of breaking the rules, just because you don't like what they have to say. It's whiny and obnoxious; no one makes you read any of the posts on here.

Of course, I can't tell you not to post those things. That would be hypocritical. I just thought it was fair to let you know that you're idiots, whether I can tell who you are or not.

06:35:58 PM


Anonymous said...

You may be hypocritical, but you're right!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

The text of the original Tangst post encourages posters to leave "A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love"-- not only secrets. Good for you pointing that out about flamers; it is a completely voluntary action to read these posts and if people don't like them, nobody's forcing them to comment.

Dr.A said...

Yeah the flamers need to get a grip, I would hesitantly say. We're building a great community here, and I loove it. If anyone feels bored or uncomfortable they don't even have to walk out the door; they just ex out the little window.