Friday, December 16, 2005

Does anyone else ever imagine that those "I wish I could have him/her" posts are about you?

04:06:39 PM


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish they were, but then I just remind myself how hopeless I am.

sithgirl said...

I do that almost all the time, but nothing ever happens and I'm left wondering.

It drives me crazy.

Anonymous said...

I do, and when they seem like they could be me, it drives me crazy.

Nothing ever happens.

Am I crazy?

Anonymous said...

hahhah, everyone tells you to go for it but it's all empty and hollow because only a select few are really good at going for it, and generally the ones that aren't are the ones saying that.

But as to the question yes.

Anonymous said...

Strangely, no... I would expect to, but I don't. Odd.

Anonymous said...

in answer to the question: all the fucking time.

But really, I don't want to know how many friendships/potential friendships would be torn up if everyone on tangst 'went for it'.