Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm really getting tired of everyone yelling at everyone else. I've left the comments enabled on all the posts to generate discussion, for everyone to support each other, not attack everyone else and leave comments that degrade the value of the site. Comments like "You're a sick fuck" don't do anything except make people alienated. If you actually think that, fine, I can't stop you. I'm not even going to delete your comment.

I don't think we should all be hippie, love everyone, the world is your friend types, but the comments could be a bit less harsh. Not nice, necessarily, not even supportive. Just less harsh.

One last thing - don't post as the original poster unless you are. That completely violates the inherent trust involved in the site.

So yes, continue to visit, leaving your thoughts, etc. Just know that I really hate intervening in the workings of the site. I don't like censoring your comments, but as you've seen, I will if I have to. The fact that I feel like I have to write this post makes me sad. Don't make me do it again.


Anonymous said...

heather is my hero

Anonymous said...

Mine too. Thanks Heather.