Saturday, October 20, 2007

"Mr. Escamilla will be the guest on the FOXNews Hannity & Colmes program on Monday, October 22 at 9:00 PM EST. "

11:23:00 PM


thewordofrashi said...

The more I read into what exactly is going on here, the more I realize how much Esco is completely getting screwed over.

Remember last year, when many of us defended Cochran for "standing by her teachers" when they suspended B and the others for "cheating"?

Where is she now?

Cochran and the school board are demonizing a good teacher...they're making an example of him. I also love how Cochran made that "evaluation" of his teaching methods without ever stepping foot inside his classroom.

The more I read this, the angrier it makes me. Oh, well. At least Yonat Shimron has stopped doing the reporting on it. I think she made it worse.

Anonymous said...

It always seemed somewhat strange to me how they said that he wasn't a good teacher and then sent him off to the delinquent school, as if he could be good enough for them when he wasn't good enough for us.

I had Esco for Religions in World Cultures and thought that he was sometimes a bit lazy, he was nothing like the negative image of him that has been given to the media.

Anonymous said...

You remember, though, that part of the issue is that he was reassigned, as if, he's such a substandard teacher, let's put him at Mary Phillips.

Anonymous said...

I really disagree with the school board's decision to release part of his personnel file. It's under a rare exception to a law that few school systems in the state have taken advantage of; I think the last time Wake did it was in 1989. It was a poor choice, and indicates that they will sacrifice somebody else's dignity and privacy in order to save their own.