Saturday, December 09, 2006

today i went shopping for 248906239045236 hours and the more i tried on clothes (ok, i'll admit i was kind of going for the retail-therapy aspect of it, not so much the i-desperately-need-a-pair-of-jeans-that-fit-my-fat-ass)
the more i realized how incredibly ugly i feel in the winter.

ugly, and fat, and gross looking. does this happen to other people in the winter too? i feel like as soon as the cold weather sets in and winter begins, my body goes into "look-like-piece-of-shit" mode. and i don't know how to flip the switch.

11:36:34 PM


Anonymous said...

its proably because your skin is getting more pale and less tan which makes everything look worse.

Anonymous said...

i love my pale skin and blackish hair, thank you very much

Anonymous said...

one the one hand.. i like the sweaters, cuz i think most sweaters look good almost to the point where they're metro (which girls like i thnk?)

but it's so hard to find a pair of jeans that fit me cuz i have a butt :(

Anonymous said...

no, i'm indian. i'm brown all year long.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Yes, let's just assume that everybody is white. I mean, pfft, it's like... the original race, right? Adam and Eve were white, so anybody else is just against God.


Anonymous said...

I can't find jeans that fit because I lack a butt.

and I, another indian, also feel like i look like crap during winter. That also may be because I own like 5 sweaters so I seem to wear the same thing over and over. I have to work on that.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing cuter than the way the tip of everyone's nose and cheeks turn brght red in the winter. It contrast the weather. I, too, never feel pretty in winter, but for some reason everyone else looks so amazing. Only in winter do I notice the true physical beauty of the human body. We're all so colorful! It's awesome.

Anonymous said...

southasian countries are much warmer... maybe your genes and psyche just react badly to cold?

Anonymous said...

Uh...yeah. Anon 1 was a little bit off, there - pale skin can look really good sometimes, as can tan. It all depends on the person. I mean, I tan pretty easily, but I hate it when people overdo it and try too hard to get tans that end up looking unnatural anyway.

Maybe it's just the weather and atmosphere, maybe types of clothes that you have to wear, or maybe it's more of a self-perception or mood change resulting from the shorter, darker days...probably could be a lot of different things. And you most likely also look much better than how you think you look.

It happens to me sometimes, too, though. So I can sympathize.