Thursday, December 28, 2006

i ran into the student teacher i hooked up with... and now i think we're going on a date.

still don't know his name

don't think he knows i go to the school he teaches at.

10:52:13 AM


Anonymous said...

It would probably be a good idea to figure out if its an actual date or not.

Then, have a friend or something come over and introduce themself and say "and your name is?" and then you'll find out too.

I'm sure education will come up during your "date" so either you can say where you go, and pretend like you didn't know he taught there, or you can make up a school.

orrr, you can just not go on this date and continue avoiding him at all costs during school.

Anonymous said...

can you friggen tell us who the student teacher is?? or at least what he teaches so we can figure it out...cmon op this is so cruel.

Anonymous said...

you realize hes probably going to get in so much shit for this. If your not 16 then its illegal for him.