Friday, December 01, 2006

today i found myself in a position of incredible power (i was elected to the position). this may sound weird, but i REALLY liked it. i have never before thought about a career in politics, but today i seriously began to contemplate it.

i like being in power. i like seeing other people being intimidated when i walk over. i like to see people trying to kiss my ass (especially when i know that i'm no-nonsense, in-your-face straightforward, and that kinda shiz doesn't fly with me). i like being respected.
the best part is, i'm not a bitch--just incredibly determined.
i like it when things are done my way.

i don't know why, but the thought of being able to wield so much power freaks me out, even though i know that whatever i do i'd be amazing at it.

i'm not really this arrogant, it's hard to keep a cool head when you've been called "madam president" all day.

10:32:56 PM


Anonymous said...

it takes real work not to be arrogant in that kind of situation. don't dismiss it as nothing because "you're not like that", because unless you pay close attention you can become like that.

you can see it in a lot of "beautiful people" - the way they're treated effected the way they think.

Anonymous said...

just because it's hard to "keep a cool head" doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

look at the creator. i think that's a helluva better than "madam president," but she's incredibly humble when it comes to her achievements.

Anonymous said...

that said, congratulations :)

Anonymous said...

meh your a woman whats the worst attrocity ever commited by women i mean on a global scale the fair sex hasnt cause that much harm.

TintedFragipan said...

Newsflash: you aren't important. you can't do anything that matters.

Neither can the rest of us, though. Don't worry.

PChis said...

Ah yes, those that power easily gives a big head to and corrupts summarily...

Just the kind of people we want having a career in politics.