Thursday, March 02, 2006

Dear Tangsty,

So let's pretend that I have a in my life that I very much so want to start dating. However, she is difficult to reach through conventional means, and our only opportunities to talk come when we are walking together at school or in some sort of after-school activity. I like this a lot but I'm afraid that she may not want to date, or she might not want to date me.... The normal jittery things. I've heard, also, that she doesn't like to rush into these things. The only problem is that she's a senior, so we have approximately three months and a bit of school, then perhaps summer. Should I even bother trying to date her, and how should I go about it?

Anxious in North Carolina

09:22:35 PM


Anonymous said...

Dear Anxious,

Go for it go for it go for it. Space is no barrier to love. As for how to do it... either get a friend to tell her first, or just get the nerve up and talk about it. Be natural. Everything will be alright in the end.

With all my angst,

Anonymous said...


PChis said...

Indeed that whole 3 months thing really sucks, but it seems it's down to the line, so I'd say if you really feel that way you should probably try.

I wouldn't do anything but talk about it with her (ie no sending friends or anything). And hell things could turn out well.

Then again if she's the kind of person that would be really awkward if she knew you liked her and she didn't like you, then I guess you'll have to decide whether 3 more months as definitely friends is better or worse than 3 more months as possibly dating or 3 more months as possibly very awkward.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the summer :D

Anonymous said...

dude, do it slow, just ask her for lunch really casually, and then play it off from there. Don't tell a friend, that's dumb.

Just do it.