Thursday, November 01, 2007

to all you Jena Six Paraders, hold your horses, there's something to it, but not as much as you think

A local jena newspaper's in depth analysis with thorough investigation

12:48:00 PM


PChis said...

I mean, somehow I just can't believe that they didn't know about nooses...A lot of the stuff seems a little sketchy and cover-our-ass-ish.

BUT, how a lot of people were telling the story (things like a group of 5 white guys standing under the tree with nooses hanging near them yelling provocative things at black people walking by and shit like that) is even more ridiculous.

What a cute little game of telephone we've been having.

Anonymous said...

i agree with pchis, but idunno, these are southerners, i can believe theyre dumb enough not to know what nooses were used for.

Anonymous said...

^ Never underestimate the dumbness of Southerners. You're talking about the people who fought a friggin' war to defend a monocultured agricultural economy that was driving them into the ground faster than a bullet train full of cheetahs. Not the brightest folk on earth.

PChis said...

”driving them into the ground faster than a bullet train full of cheetahs.”

based on that analogy, I may have to agree with you (if you happen to be a southerner), at least in your specific case.