Monday, November 19, 2007

How do you dance with a guy at a dance? Besides slow dancing. I've had a date before and I still don't get it.

Clueless Girl
11:16:00 PM


Anonymous said...

are you serious?

the only way to dance at dances is to grind...and you dont really need to be taught that

Anonymous said...

^I disagree. There are much more tasteful ways of dancing- just go with it. Face each other and jam.

Anonymous said...

Dry humping.

Anonymous said...

Place your rear end in the area of his crotch. Move rhythmically with the "music." Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Anonymous said...

There is more to dancing than grinding. Except if I tried to write a step by step guide it would sound stupid.

So just dance like you would dance by yourself and maybe hold on to the other person at some non-sexual place like the shoulders or the waist or the hands or the neck. Also dance sort of more at them. It's easier than dancing by yourself.

Hannah said...

wave your hands in the air a lot. it worked for me. :D