Sunday, November 27, 2005

I have the urge to kick, in the face, people who say that they don't care about politics because its all crap and bullshit, etc. . To me politics is more important than almost everything else, the right to be interested and involved in politics is what millions of people have struggled, bled and died for.

11:30:18 PM


Anonymous said...

I think I know who this is :-)

sithgirl said...

I think I know who it is too.

Anonymous said...

i guess the nicest way i can view my political perspective is i really hate politicans, creating a corrupted view of politics. so yeah.

Anonymous said...

It's not always that people don't care, it's that sometimes you just can't figure out what's right, and instead of admitting that you just plain don't know, you have to sound high and haughty by saying that you're too intelligent and sophisticated to care about all that politics stuff. It's not so much not caring as not understanding.

And cooincidentally, I have no idea who this is.

PChis said...

I don't mind people who don't care about politics. It's completely your right to not be involved in politics, and that's what's great about this country.

What irks me is people who say they don't care yet complain about certain politicians, policies, etc. etc., because while that is their right, it's slightly contradictory not to take part in the process and then complain about the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Eh, politics to me seems important, but it's the sort of thing that pointless to live, struggle, and die for. In the end, it's just a bunch of ideas and a desire for power. So maybe they care, but they don't see the point in getting all worked up over an idea gone out of control.

Dr.A said...

The thing is that if they aren't interested in politics, that's one less voice among the multitude for the people to listen to. Those are the same people that you, poster, might be wanting attention from. If they aren't interested in politics they may not vote and then your vote counts that infinitesmal amount more. You have to be a little more selfish. ;)