It seems like there's one person on here who is incredibly outspoken against drug use and just replies to every post.
02:28:00 AM
Post anything that you want - a story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Post twice if you'd like. And then share the site with your friends.
It seems like there's one person on here who is incredibly outspoken against drug use and just replies to every post.
02:28:00 AM
Tags: tangst
I do it because somebody has to.
man, well, stop it. I don't do drugs or have any friends who do, but I STILL find that person incredibly annoying.
Anybody who does drugs won't stop because of you. You sound like tangst's collective mom.
Don't give the guy so much crap; are we not our brothers' keeper?
man I wish I could log in, but PChis, that is CRAP. of course we aren't.
ALSO PChis you should say "guy or girl" or "that person"
Just because you're annoyed by other views, you want other people to shut up? What kind of blog or world would that be?
I'm one of the people that's not necessarily pro-drug but I've done my share and always put my two cents in in defense of recreational drug use and it's always fun to argue with whomever chooses to be the DARE advocate.
Drugs are cool.
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
That could be argued, rashi. For example: marijuana. It is a beautiful thing in moderation and has multiple health benefits. If you are against it, then congratulations. Your lungs will be perfect when you die.
^when you die, which will be not of lung cancer and later than those whose lungs are full of tar from smoking all their lives.
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