I slipped the kid I was babysitting last night an oxycontin.
10:30:00 PM
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Oxy is expensive, why would you waste it like that?
I understand that oxycontin isn't that dangerous but it still seems like a pretty stupid idea to give it too a child. Why would you so that.
If this is true, I believe that is a felony, besides being incredibly stupid. Without knowing the kid's medical history you could end up in jail for manslaughter. It is also immoral and sick. Get help for yourself, you've got a problem.
a3, one oc is probably not going to kill the kid, it will put it to sleep. most people are slightly allergic to opiates, that's normal. srsly stop overreacting. that kid probably had an awesome night.
Agreed, it's just a terrible waste of good drugs.
And the award for Worst Babysitter Ever goes to...
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