The pill has made my boobs so much bigger but I'm also hungry ALL the time now. This happening to anyone else?
11:58:00 PM
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The pill has made my boobs so much bigger but I'm also hungry ALL the time now. This happening to anyone else?
11:58:00 PM
Tags: wondering
I'm hungry all the time whether I'm on the pill or not, so I can't say if what you're experiencing is typical. The boobs thing definitely happens to a bunch of girls, but I've never heard about increased hunger.
From what I understand, cravings and swollen breasts happen to pregnant women. Are you pregnant?
Are you sure?
You know, the pill contains the the same chemicals as your body releases when you're pregnant, essentially tricking your body into thinking you're already "pregnant" so you don't get actually pregnant when you have sex.
So it would follow you have some of the symptoms.
or you could just be pregnant.
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