Tuesday, July 24, 2007

is nigger a bad word? equivalent to fuck and shit?

Because I say it all the time.

12:53:00 AM


Anonymous said...

It is a bad word. IMO, it doesn't matter if you're black or white, the word was born out of hate and discrimination and you shouldn't use it. Call people by their names, not by their discriminatory labels.

Anonymous said...

wait wtf kind of question is that unless you're new to english you should know this already.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon1.

Words merely symbolize ideas, so why spread what the word stands for?

Anonymous said...

ha, i know some black people that want to be called nigger, as in they might not answer you if not.

Anonymous said...

Nigga hush.

Anonymous said...

I say if you keep dancing around the issue it will never leave, nigger only has power because it is so taboo to say it. If everyone didn't flip when someone said it then the word would sink into obscurity like cracker or honky did, both of those terms were meant to be offense label equivalent to nigger but since it was never taboo to say them they lost their power and became hilarious instead.