Saturday, June 09, 2007

Summer senior interviews. Should I go for it? Will it cause me more stress than it's really worth? What do I have to do to prepare?

09:22:00 PM


Matthew said...

The senior interview was a big plus for me. It helped me think about my positive points, gave me interview practice, and let me start a relationship with my counselor. Don't blow it off; if you impress him or her from the start, then he or she will be more likely to remember you and consequently more likely to do well on your rec. (at least, that's what I gathered from Ms. Holla-back--name changed for anonymity...)

Matthew said...

^ew, pretend that says tinted fragipan ._.

龙年 said...

Assess your college applications, and how prepared you are to complete with satisfaction them as you stand. Think about application deadlines and schedules (etc) when you're deciding whether a summer appointment is necessary.

Also consider any requirements you may be asked to fulfill in those applications, such as counselor recommendations, that may require the creation or maintenance of a relationship with your counselor (or other adult, advisor, or teacher).

If you think you'll benefit from meeting with your counselor this summer, go for it. If you simply want practice thinking about your college-app identity to warm up for those essays, just get an interview packet from the counselor or a friend to go through on your own time.

Anonymous said...

hey, ur a senior now, that means u have to '08 all college related stuff to the last minute

on a more serious note, it's probably a good idea to go for it as soon as you can and to go ahead and submit your apps as soon as you can too. Especially look out for some colleges that are rolling and even scholarships that are rolling, I know box box was into his top choice school before school started