Monday, October 10, 2005

A sonnet. Conform the words to the rhythm, not the rhythm to the words:

Your tears do not solve anything at all
They merely make your eyes puffy and red.
It does not matter where the droplets fall—
In public show, or in one’s private bed
They still have no pow’r, no magical charm;
Tell me when salty tears have done as much
As stopping death, disease, and physical harm,
Can tears mimic a mother’s soothing touch?
There is no plant which in that water grows
And there’s no beast that drinks from tear-fed streams
Would merchants trade my tears for food or clothes?
And could those tears fulfill my weakest dreams?

But then somehow still, down my dirty cheek,
I feel the trace of a droplet, a sparkl’ng creek.

09:51:47 PM


Anonymous said...

youre more than a bargained for. but thats a good thing.

im more than you bargained for. but thats a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

youre more than i bargained for. but thats a good thing.

im more than you bargained for. but thats a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Tears can provide a series of different emotions when displayed in an audience, anything from sympathy to contempt, and these emotions can drastically effect further social interaction.

Also, crying generally calms the mind and acts as a catharsis.

I just wanted to point out some of the effects *shrug*.