Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Vegetarianism is such bullshit. Just fuckin let me eat my steak in peace. I don't wanna hear your whiney asses evangelizing about animal rights and feelings and whatever. I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to enjoy a salad. Pass me the bacon and shut your mouth.

06:49:59 PM


PChis said...

Well sir, there's a difference between a vegetarian and those evangelists that throw animal rights in your face. Also you sir, personally, did not fight your way to the top of the food chain. You have probably put zero effort into you ability to eat meat.

Then again, I do like steak, I think the evangelism is annoying, and I feel that the vegans harm the environment a lot more than us meat eaters, sooo.

Anonymous said...

Finding a vegetarian who tries to push their beliefs on others is extremely rare. In fact ,I would bet that you saw one and then attacked them first.

TintedFragipan said...

Yeah, I know a lot of vegetarians but none who actively try to get me to stop eating meat./

thewordofrashi said...


Anyway, I love my meat, and there's no way in hell anyone's gonna stop me from eating it

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I love meat... sometimes I find it upsetting that vegetarians have all of the truly plausible arguments. But I doubt I'll stop.

PChis said...

Plausible arguments? Aside from the whole "animal rights things," what other arguments are there.

If you're talking about the whole "health" thing, that's highly debated and probably driven by opinion more than science.

Anonymous said...

First off, I find your complaint to be entirely egotistical, which is fine. I also found it funny, which is better.

Dr.A said...

But really, OP, have you heard Uncle Neander tell stories about fighting his way up the food chain, ripping the wooly mammoth steak right out of the jaws of that saber-tooth cat?

Sorry, irresistible.

But I agree, I hate evangelists of all kinds aaanndd... I love meat. But salads are healthy and enjoyable as well, as I am finding.

Anonymous said...

*plays the devil's advocate*

It takes significantly more land to raise a herd of cattle than it takes to grow the same net weight of soybeans or wheat. The raising of livestock consumes more natural resources than the production of crops. In view of the serious overpopulation and land shortage issues facing the world today, I'd say it's a fair bet that more vegetarians are vegetarians because of human rights than animal rights.

*is not a vegetarian, by the way*

Anonymous said...

"If you're talking about the whole "health" thing, that's highly debated and probably driven by opinion more than science."

Actually, science has shown some instances that don't support that belief. Such as the fact that young children who are raised vegetarian (even on miracle protein like soy, etc) lack the levels/variety of amino acids necessary for nervous system growth, including brain development.

That's why I hate it when little kids are forced to be vegetarian by the parents...despite one's reasoning, it should always be a conscious choice.

This is from a former vegetarian who was one for ethical reasons, and stopped for health. Nothing like not being able to take vitamins because of gelatin, a pound of soy a day, a guilty conscience if I ever ate bleached sugar...oh, and that lovely gray palor despite how balanced my diet was.

Anonymous said...

I have abstained from eating farmed animals for many years.

We all love food and we all need food, but for me, the end must
justify the means.

ie, I would rather not fill my belly in a way that requires other living creatures to suffer

It's an orientation, a personal aspiration, not an absolute or extremist attitude [there are holes in most philosophies anyway, I know that].

Many millions of us have found different ways of enjoying food and getting what we need. The level people take it to and their exact reasons for diet change, can be quite unique to the individual. All I will say is, if you're not sure, look into it.

I hope that wasn't too evangelistic
for anyone [like I give a shit].


Dr.A said...

"...Young children who are raised vegetarian lack levels/variety of amino acids necessary for nervous system growth, including brain development.

That's why I hate it when little kids are forced to be vegetarian by the parents...despite one's reasoning, it should always be a conscious choice.

This is from a former vegetarian who was one for ethical reasons, and stopped for health."

On a philosophical level, you could replace "vegetarian" with "Christian" and I would still agree with this statement. (Amino acids metaphorically speaking, in that case.)