Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sometimes, I wish that we had arranged marriages in America, just for the sake of me knowing that I won't die a lonely old man with no wife or family.

10:53:05 PM


Anonymous said...

Is the prospect of possibly living with someone you cannot stand, who makes your life miserable, really all that preferable?

PChis said...

uhh, I'd say that most arranged marriages turn out fairly well...at least much better then when we're left up to our own devices if you look at the divorce rate.

Anonymous said...

By the way, even though there were arranged marriages, not everybody got married anyhow. And arranged marriages usually "worked out" because the couples were exiled from their families if they seperated, which was, for the most part unheard of. Obviously there were plenty of arranged couples that turned out quite well, but there were still very unhappy or unmarried people.

Anonymous said...

The op's not saying that "Arranged marriages are teh shiz and we should all get some!" He's using the idea of arranged marriage to express the depression and slight desperation he feels at the lack of a ladyfriend in his life (or manfriend, we don't discriminate here). In a perfect world, he'd choose his mate and be madly in love at the moment with a wonderful partner, am I right, OP?

Anonymous said...

More or less, yeah. Btw, anon 2, definitely a lady friend. Like the poster above me, I look for stability and certainty. I just sometimes wish it were so.

Anonymous said...

Arranged marriages can be really terrible. There is a high rate of abuse and other bad things.