Monday, February 20, 2006

I have an acute case of sleep paralysis. Not the kind when one wakes up and has a stiff neck for a moment. The kind where I wake up and feel (and see) someone sitting on me, I hear voices calling, laughing, and screaming at me from above or below, I see malicious shadows moving in the corners of my eyes, I see bodies of dead relatives sitting in the corner of my room, I see thieves or murderers standing ready to attack (and sometimes they talk to me or -do- attack me, but those times I pass out and wake up hours later). I can't move for what seems like hours (but is really two or three minutes). Sometimes I can't take it and pass out, sometimes I just drift off again, and sometimes I get my senses together and wait for everything to go away and for the faces to return to stuffed animals or books or clothes.

It's all from emotional trauma and family matters in the past-

-and it's going from bad to worse. My fears are now carried outside of my bedroom. Sometimes, in the hallways, I'll see the shadows behind me and feel that paranoia grip me. Every unfamiliar face turns into a malicious grimace. The noise of the hallways turns into that familiar roar of screaming and laughter. I think people are following me and trying to "get" me from behind. I've convinced myself that people stalk me and are watching me at every moment.

I just wanted to apologize to you for my acting strange and jumpy around you lately. I've noticed you noticing me, and I wanted to explain. I'm not crazy; I just have emotional and psychological problems.

11:52:49 PM


sithgirl said...

Wow I can't imagine...

I think I can imagine the feeling for a split second, as I've had a point sometimes where I'll be gripped by this sudden thought that there's something behind me or around the corner and I freak out and spin around, but then it's gone.

Having that all the

Good post, thanks for that.

12:16:59 AM

Sigh, I really have to teach the other admins all the little tricks that keep the site running smoothly, eh?

thewordofrashi said...

I'm usually not the one to tell someone that they need help, despite the fact that I know about it and think about it a lot. I must, however, step in here. What you are experiencing is definitely not normal, and you should probably seek professional help.

Psychology class is useful after all, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I would agree that you should seek professional help. If you do you could be cured which is probably a very good thing. Your paralysis sounds scary for you.

Anonymous said...

The thing is- I would rather keep going through this than have to admit to my family that I'm still having problems coping with my past. I don't want help. Sleep paralysis is a regular, harmless occurrence that can't be cured. Sure a psychologist could cure me of my paranoia and fear, but not the hallucinations and sounds. It's impossible. Believe me- I've done research.

thewordofrashi said...

No, a psychologist might not be able to cure the hallucinations.

Again, I am not an expert. I am just a student that has Dr. Peck for Psychology.

But, I think a psychiatrist might be able to help you. There are certain drugs, like those that treat schizophrenia, that might be able to help you.

Seek help. Running away doesn't help anyone.

Anonymous said...

Get help friend. It sounds unbearable. But are there any nice happy hallucinations?