Friday, February 17, 2006

The mountain does not laugh at the river for it is lowly,

Nor does the river laugh at the mountain for it is slow and cannot move about.


knight_racer979 said...

Thank you, Confucius.

Now I'm afraid I don't completely catch the allegory...

PChis said...

I'll let people guess on it and then I'll tell you all.

The Watcher said...

I think it may be a refrence to Older people vs. younger people.

or maybe Upperclassmen vs. Underclassmen

...or not, whateves.

Anonymous said...

i think it's about perspective(s)

& the illusion of judgement

Anonymous said...

Grammar police

The mountain does not laugh at the river for being lowly,

Nor does the river laugh at the mountain for being slow and stationary.

My take

Each to their own, and respect for all.

PChis said...

My god, the way you rearranged it makes it sounds sounds terrible.

But yes, you got the meaning right. Don't disrespect others for your superior traits, because odds are they have them as well.

Dr.A said...

My guess is that pchis is on CRACK COCAINE!

knight_racer979 said...

or heroin, depending on which is cheaper right now.

no hate, right pchis?

Dr.A said...

actually for pchis it would be ex.

Dr.A said...

I'm glad one anonymous person posted on this post... and that they grammar-policed a proverb...