Saturday, February 11, 2006

I take ten pills each morning. Not counting vitamins. The pills correct my imperfections and bad decisions. To function "normally" I rely on manufactured substances. If I forget one, my life comes crashing down and my body punishes me. Sometimes I remember to forget them just to feel the liberty of not being chained to these chemicals; to feel like me instead of a machiene.

10:24:22 AM


Anonymous said...

I can understand how you feel, but not to that extent. Nevertheless, you have my sympathy.

Anonymous said...

It's spelled machine moron

Anonymous said...

Wow, anonymous2. That was entirely uncalled for. What this person needs is our sympathy and support, not name-calling and nitpicking.

I think you owe them an apology.

Anonymous said...

I appologize for the typographical error. My fingers must have slipped. I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh apologize. my bad

Anonymous said...

We're all chained to chemicals, every one of us. Without our dopamine or our adrenaline or our seratonin we'd just be empty shells, an abandoned house with all the lights out. You happen to get your chemicals from a pill while the rest of us have to rely on glands, but in the end isn't it all the same?

In the end, who is the "real me" other than the quantity and severity of our natural imbalances?