Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I read a book that everyone hated and I don't know why they hated it.


10:19:26 PM


Anonymous said...

What book was it? I've done that too-with 1984.

Anonymous said...

What?! 1984 was wonderful, and I've got a giant face-cage full of hungry rats for those who think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Me. Too.

Anonymous said...

For me, it was Great Expectations.

Anonymous said...

Um. Great Expectations on an audiobook is pretty much the best thing ever. Not for the story, but for the narrator. :D

Anonymous said...

for me, Picture of Dorian Gray

thewordofrashi said...

If you're talking about As I Lay Dying, you're just wrong. It was a horrible book, and you know it. It had virtually no plot, no theme, and to top it off, no ending.

knight_racer979 said...

It might be that the book you're talking about was part of our curriculum recently, in which case I can understand the difference of opinion. I find that whenever I read a book and then am forced to analyze it by my English teacher, it totally ruins the book for me. Doesn't matter hom much I liked it pre-analysis. I hate it at the end, with two exceptions; The Raven, because it just rocks, and The Wizard of Oz, which also rocks.

Anonymous said...

How dare thee mock As I Lay Dying!

I shall chop you into pieces of not-thewordofrashi!