Sunday, February 12, 2006

All of my friends really love William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying. I think it's okay, and his writing style is certainly interesting, and there are few things more fun than passing your friends in the hall and yelling "MY MOTHER IS A FISH!" loudly as a form of greeting, but I'm just not getting into the book. This reflects a trend in me; I used to get completely sucked in to good literature, but lately, I just haven't been interested. When I used to find it impossible to put a book down, I now find it impossible to pick one up. I'm gonna get my pretentious bookworm license revoked if I don't fix this!

09:59:26 PM


Anonymous said...

what's that even about?

Anonymous said...

^ Okay, Anon2, I actually have to disagree with you on some points. Syntax, diction, style and tone *are* the way that the author conveys the "point" of the work, and being able to "peek behind" the magic of how they make a reader feel so excited or sad or angry or otherwise in tune with the characters is one of the things I love about this grade level of HS English (and probably about the same teacher you're not liking.) Language is beautiful, and many of the literature selections for this year (though admittedly not all) are excellent examples of the work of master writers.

Oh, and my problem is sort of solved. I just finished AILD, and, damn, I really liked it. :)