Thursday, October 30, 2008

i haven't been on this website in a while. but.... roommate against. anyone?

08:13:00 AM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

okay so I have some sexual questions for those of you who are a bit more experienced.

My boyfriend fingered me for the first time yesterday (it was my first time being fingered) and I went to change my underwear because they felt wet and I didn't expect to see blood on them, but there was a decent amount of blood on my underwear and I had my period just a week ago so what is it from? is it possible he popped my cherry by fingering me?

10:29:00 AM

Don't you just love coming into the cafeteria, seeing a friend, sitting down at the table with them, and suddenly being plunged into an unexpected political debate?

I should have just eaten in my room.

07:48:00 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

25 million dollars raised in support of Proposition 8? Sad.

I oppose it anyhow, but even if you don't - all of that money could be spent on something worthwhile. Darfur, hurricane victims, orphans in third-world countries, whatever. Any of those would be a better use of that much money than opposition of gay marriage.

09:45:00 PM

Some people need this. Please don't forget about us.

05:30:00 PM

It's taken so long for these secrets to be posted that they're mostly irrelevant by now.

11:47:00 AM

I'm a girl.
She is the most beautiful person I have ever met.
I want her.
I'm supposed to be straight.
I can't tell anybody. I live with girls. What would they think?
I'm so confused!

10:30:00 PM

I know it's fall break and everything, but Tangst is obviously not dead yet. Mods plz halp.

10:28:00 PM

god this is so bad, she is going to be hurt so badly if we break up.

06:57:00 PM

This is so weird: for the first time in a really, really long time, I'm not attracted to ANYONE. And I want to be. I'm just not. It's weird and I hate it.

04:26:00 PM

I feel really, really left out when people don't involve me in making plans. Especially when it was my fucking idea to start with.

12:21:00 AM

So I'm finally home for Fall Break and I come back to see that all of my back-home friends have sunken really deep into the suburban "party" scene where all they do is drink and take pictures of themselves drinking to put on facebook. I mean, I trusted these kids to be fun when I came back and not remind me of the types of kids I'd regularly come across at school. I'm just so fucking disappointed in them all. I don't want to drink and get crunk for fall break, I want a real BREAK.

I guess I'm spending fall break alone this year. sigh. /tangst

11:52:00 PM

Thursday, October 09, 2008

I cheated on her but it doesn't feel like I did.

01:29:00 PM

There have been an absurd number of posts about weed lately. Why is everyone getting high all of a sudden?

Not being judgmental, as I am high right now, just curious.

01:02:00 AM

Monday, October 06, 2008

step-by-step instructions on how to roll a good joint please?
idk how.

04:00:00 PM

Fall break fucking sucks.

02:28:00 PM

I'm amazed that my new relationship is going so well, knock on wood. I hadn't realized how dramaless and fun a relationship could be until now. The sex is so good I have to remind myself I'm not just dating him for his body, and I never get tired of him or run out of things to talk about. I'm really happy.

Guess this wasn't so Tangsty, but I wanted to share.

12:13:00 PM

I've cheated on him, smoked weed against his wishes, smoke cigarettes and hookah and got plastered and I've done everything that I know he would hate me for..
But I've only ever loved him.
We broke up for good last night, and he says I'll never have him back, and I'm worried I'm going to start freaking out and panic like I did last time we broke up (it only lasted for 3 weeks before I couldn't take it any more.) Maybe it'll be different since I'm in college now, but it's weird not talking to him every day, no having someone to say I love you to. He's been in my life for four years, as a boyfriend for two, and I feel weird and empty without him. I love him so much but I want to do what I want to do without someone being there to mother me.

11:50:00 AM

I've been so careful not to step too far, baby steps, taking it one day at a time, but I'm impatient, probably blew it all last night, laughed too loud, said too much, people noticed, maybe him.

And that could fuck me over, for so many reasons, because I'm not supposed to go there, and other people did see, and rumors spread fast, with people like this.

And I feel bad, not because of her telling her, and her hating me, and the dichotomy of chicks before dicks, and what is not allowed--

but because it may be over with him.

09:22:00 AM

Saturday, October 04, 2008

when a guy fingers a girl for the first time, or anytime, does he like for her vagina to be hair free?

06:03:00 PM