Sunday, March 19, 2006

I don't know why anyone would ever want to cut when with just a pair of tweezers releives the stress.

06:51:46 PM


Anonymous said...

The rest of us are asking the same thing, but instead of pain to solve our problem we hang out with our friends, cuiltivate our talents, and help people around us. What's your excuse?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it works like that.

Anonymous said...

I never needed a knife; I had safety pins instead.

Too bad safety pins turned into a razor over time.

It's all in the name of efficiency, my friend.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't hurt anymore after you do it a while...and no telltale marks unless you pull out the hair on your head. I can't releive stress by talking to my friends. I forget about it for the moment but it's still there. The only other way for me to stop stress is to stop caring. But then my grades plummeted and my family got mad at me and I got stressed again.

Anonymous said...

Look up trichotillomania.
You may/may not have it.
I remember when I lost my eyebrows...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have it. It was quite a problem in 7th grade-my mother made me read a book about it. I found out about trichotillomania after I had it. I've mostly stopped plucking the hairs on my head and have moved on to my arms and legs...although its weird if people bring tweezers to school. My brother was talking about how a girl at his school plucked her eyebbrows to nothingness in class and how weird it was. I could have slapped him but he didn't know about me. Sorry this is so long I guess I just have a lot to say.