Thursday, March 30, 2006

sometimes i feel out of place in comp sci, because i don't hate microsoft. Everyone else makes fun of windows constantly and talk about their linux systems or whatever... but i have windows, and i'm prefectly happy w/ it

07:40:58 PM


Anonymous said...

Wait until you develop all those hacker skills that a Windos OS just can't cultivate and you'll be begging for a more vesatile and customizable system no matter how non-userfriendly.

Anonymous said...

Yay for OS X

Anonymous said...

Viva La Mac Revolution!

龙年 said...

"Wait until you develop all those hacker skills that a Windos OS just can't cultivate..."

Who says shoddy OS programming doesn't breed hackers? If anything, time spent with a poorly designed mainstream product allows a far better insight into valuable skills useable in a large arena.

Granted, superior and more secure systems use better operating software, but that's not to say skills gained on a Windows box are utterly useless ;-)

Anyway, back on topic. Personally, I believe computers are tools designed with a specific type of user in mind. While I harbor my own opinions of "good" and "bad" design and operability, the choice is ultimately personal preference.

A *nix box can be secured to incredible standards, and Macs can be beautiful machines, but the Windows OS family is still the comfortable, familiar standard for consumer computing.