Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I've liked you for five years. FIVE. You've known him for less than one. It's not fair! I always have to be the good guy-friend instead of the boyfriend. Why can't you just give me a chance? We're best friends...


12:20:05 PM


Dr.A said...

okay this just doesn't happen in real life. best friends don't, and in the opinion of this writer, shouldn't date each other. The relationship will never transfer over to romanceland very well.

It sucks having a crush on your best friend. (I know exactly how it is.) But it so infrequently works out that a good pair of friends can both have the inclination and the presence of mind to form a lasting, healthy romantic relationship... Tell her how you feel. Her reaction can dictate whether you give up or not.

Anonymous said...

So this is about me (and him, but whatever)
The answer to your question lies in your tangst. You are the good guy friend, I hope nothing will ever change that. You're always there for me and I love it. I love you. No, Seriously. Status of Best Guy Friend is so much higher than that of Significant Male Figure In My Life. Embrace the platonic relationship. Enjoy the fact that we're so close. For the past five years I've been aware of you liking me (I mean, c'mon...)and just laughed it off as something silly. I know you want more, but please listen to me.


Anonymous said...

status of best guy friend is definitely better then male figure. male figures come and go, but best friends do not.

Anonymous said...

"but somewhere you fucked up and now you're good friends."

Just beacuse you're not one specific girl's boyfriend doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, it just means you're you. Your personality or sense of humor or whatever doesn't mesh with hers, that does not mean you fucked up or that you're a jackass. When you put your reasoning and the number of platonic relationships I have together I must be the crappiest man alive.

"you now may have sex without fear of commitment, my friend, whenever she is feeling depressed."

Or not! Just because "friends with benefits" are common in teen movies or our dreams doesn't mean you should start hitting on your friend whenever she's feeling down. Most girls I know would find that creepy and most guys would find it demeaning....okay maybe just I would.

Anonymous said...

Haaaaaaaaaaa. If he thinks he can get any action with her he's crazy. Believe me, ***/OP, I know how you feel. I've been crushing on her since freshman year, and she's only gotten prettier since then (and I know at least five people who would agree with me/share our sentiments). It kills me to even think that she has a boy. Argh. But I guess if life worked like hollywood, you would get the girl.

Anonymous said...

okay, so apparently everyone else here knows exactly who this is about? im lost.

Anonymous said...

The real problem is that I have no idea how to actually start a relationship that doesn't turn into "just friends."

I foresee myself as being very lonely in my old age.