Thursday, March 02, 2006

I'm so sick of feminists wanting to have their cake and eat it too.

06:58:58 PM


PChis said...

Well, I think I see what you're saying, but I believe it comes from the misnomer "feminism."

The term itself originally referred to the whole struggle of equality for women, which I think is an extremely worthwhile fight. The problem is that today many women hiding behind the cloak of feminism talk about women being better than men. To disagree with their stance (because they are "feminists") is to say that men are better than women (including all those other stereotypes like wanting women to be submissive, in the kitchen, baby factories etc.).

Personally I think the thought that women are better than men is a stupid one, and I think that all those laws in places like Sweden(I think...maybe it's Switzerland) that require executive boards to be 40% female are made out of the wrong mindset. I think most of the necessary laws are in place, and we mainly just have to wait for people's ideals to change.

thewordofrashi said...

Despite popular belief, I have nothing against feminism.

What I am against is women accusing men of being misogynists when they hold a door open for them, or pull out a chair for them. Is there no such thing as being polite anymore?

What I am against is women taking feminism past the point of equality to the point that women are in fact better than men.

Anonymous said...

I'm female, and I actually agree with the spirit of this post. Although feminism wasn't originally the belief that women are superior to men, the movement sort of turned that way, and it pisses me off.

Anonymous said...


Shameless plug: There will be a Philosophy Club meeting next Wednesday in Mrs. Achenbach's room.

Anonymous said...

^on feminism and Women's issues

Anonymous said...

Exactly op, they /should/ be too busy baking cakes in the first place.

Dr.A said...

"What I am against is women accusing men of being misogynists when they hold a door open for them, or pull out a chair for them. Is there no such thing as being polite anymore?"

Wellll... I think that the OP probably meant something to do with the first thing, on a larger scale, but I think that s/he might have a different point in mind. Few feminists get mad if someone holds a door for them or ... I don't know, a man lets them borrow a jacket or something. I think the OP might have been talking about how many women expect this sort of behaviour out of men, but then also want to be free and have a same-paying job, and ... all those feminist points. I mean, I think that chivalry is , personally, and that it is in part because of the feminist movement.

Men are getting mixed signals these days. Some women want to be treated as ladies and differentiated because of that, others want to be treated the exact same as men. Some want... both at the same time. This might be where the "have cake and eat it too" idea is coming from. (I say all this because I've used the exact same words to describe this phenomenon, maybe I'm way off base.)

TintedFragipan said...

I think that the phrase is better worded "eat their cake and have it too."

It makes more sense.

PChis said...

yeah, cause what the fuck is the point of having cake if you can't eat it?

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm probably one of those people that has sort of mixed feelings about feminism, because I want guys to treat me like a lady, but then also still treat me as an equal...I don't know. Sometimes it's just sort of hard to figure out what I want.