Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Are good deeds expected these days?

picking up shifts used to be a nice thing to I feel it's expected of me.

What happens when I finally run out of energy, or patience?

04:34:55 PM


Anonymous said...

At least you're getting paid, right?

Anonymous said...

People either take advantage of others, carry their own weight, or get taken advantage of. I recommend the happy median approach.

thewordofrashi said...

It depends. If it's a girl, pretty much always yes.

If it's a guy, it depends on who it is.

Anonymous said...

People never seem to notice when I help them out.

Hannah said...

I would put the generic, "Just let Atlas Shrug and the world fall on top of 'em" message here, but that, I fear, would be a tad too cliched.

Anonymous said...


Swales said...

Don't let them dump everything on you like this. Picking up shifts is a nice thing to do, when you have the time and energy, but it is not required. You need the time to yourself so that you've got enough energy for your own shifts-- otherwise, you might pass out.

Anonymous said...

Time to myself? There is such a thing? I thought you sell your soul to your job, part of the hiring contract and all....

ok, yea, I just got off a 9 hr. workday....sorry