Tuesday, May 30, 2006

1 in 4 americans feel that muslim-americans should be required to 'register' themselves.


10:16:42 PM


Anonymous said...

register themselves how?

Anonymous said...

Where did you get this?

Anonymous said...

and really...thats only 25% of the population...

more people think bush is a good president.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's probably the same percentage that think the Rapture is coming in the near future so we should store up food and water. Let's just be happy the number isn't bigger.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately that 25% is probably part of the 50% that doesn't vote.

PChis said...

on the contrary to the 25% being those that don't vote, I'd imagine they'd be the ones that would feel so strongly about things such as muslims needing to register that they would elect someone who would also push for that.

And barry, you know what jews had to do in nazi germany? Register themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, or rememebr the time when we put thousands of innocent japanese people in camps here? They lost their homes, essentially their lives.

Anonymous said...

that makes me very angry . A little while ago like last year sometime there was a poll in time about this kind of thing except it was that 35 % thought muslims should be forced to wear tracking bands to be able to see where they were at all times.

Anonymous said...

Fine then. First we'll get the Muslims registered. Then the Jews (because we don't want them mixing with Muslims). Then the atheists and agnostics (because it's an administration backed by God).

I don't know about anyone else, but freedom in any form being taken away gets me a little worked up.

Anonymous said...

"the more we know about our populace, the better we can accommodate said populace."

Big Brother is watching you...

Graffiti Pastry said...

"if you're not doing anything wrong..."

Wowee Barry, of course that is the argument of all watchful governments.

Of course, all governments wish they had some way to watch every action of every citizen, but you have to define what is wrong before you can make that broad statement.

Were those of Stalin's state doing anything "wrong" when they were slaughtered for writing literature that was "inflammatory"? I dunno, but last time I checked that was supposed to be a-okay in the United States.

But you know, maybe we should register based on multiple prejudices, and profile people... just to be safe.

Especially since YOUR congressman, Brad Miller, supports Muslim terrorists, and homosexual Muslim marriage, and illegal Muslim immigrants, and throws them a big party with your tax dollars. (Did anybody else get a phone message like this? I almost exploded. In fact, I have it recorded.)

Anonymous said...

wait graffitti...

I dont understnad what you're trying to say.

龙年 said...

I've seen only one small mention of the Japanese-American internment camps of World War Two. They (like the Nazi German expansion project) began exactly how you're suggesting.

The target groups (Jews and Japanese, among others) were required (in both Nazi Germany, and the United States) to register with the federal government in order to "know their whereabouts".

In both cases, the situations quickly exploded into massive descrimination and government-sanctioned actions to invade the lives of the citizenry.

The arguments made here in support of the suggestion for registration are absolutely absurd. Please, please read up on some history so that you can see where arguments exactly like these ended up throughout humanity's past.

Also, if you want to be a part of a national ID card and unified searchable "watch database," feel free to emigrate to the UK. They've long-since begun programs like the one's you're advocating, which, according to American standards, are massive violations of privacy and personal rights.

Anonymous said...

graffi thatstuff was hilarious i mean the propoganda against brad miller. MAn that is the best mudslinging ever. I mean its terrible for various reasons and i really dont like vernon robinson but god that so funny.

Anonymous said...

special registration of muslim-americans would only lead to further isolation of the muslim community. already muslims are withdrawing into religious communities after becoming targets of rascism and misplaced suspicion following 9-11.

japanese internment, the star of david, even registration of blacks in south africa are glaring examples of why this shouldn't even be considered.

but yes, lets perpetuate the 'stupid-american' stereotype by showing the world we can't learn from others' mistakes.

bahhhhhh does this make anyone else feel like crying?

and ya, okay so it shouldn't be an issue if a persons got nothing to hide. but the fact remains that you are being singled out as a threat simply because of your religious beliefs. why don't we register all the christians too incase there's another abortion clinic bombing. and all the black and hispanic people because they account for the majority of crime. or put metal wristbands on all the middle-class white kids because they're the most susceptible to becoming obese.

Anonymous said...

OP, cite your source.

Anonymous said...

(^Don't advertise personal sites, that's not what tangst is for.)

The more a society invades the privacy of it's citizens the more it builds an "us versus them mentality" of people working against the government rather than the government working for them. What better way to alienate a minority and make them more violent than expect them to carry little cards that in essence are saying "You're a danger to our way of life, what the fuck are you doing here?"