Wednesday, April 12, 2006

i think i love you, but i'm afraid that i might still be a little unsure. i don't wanna hurt you if you say it and i don't say it back. how can i assure you of what you mean to me?

06:35:00 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell them the absolute truth. We've all heard "love" enough times in our life and had so many random connotations stapled on to it that it means next to nothing these days. Instead tell them that your happiness is in direct correlation to theirs, that your bad days all seem better when they're around, and that they've made such a wonderful impression on your life that it would be impossible toimagine what life would be like without them. "Love" is for chumps, but what you've got is special and I'm sure your significant other would love to know just how you feel.